More Profits. More Ease. More Freedom.
Does your business reflect the life you have always wanted to lead? Can your current path take you where you want to go? Do you know how to navigate your way?
Similar to how some people are good with numbers and others are better with words, skills associated with launching, growing or managing a business do not come naturally to all people. Most of us need good advice and support to develop and grow our businesses to achieve maximum success.
Leveraging her extensive background helping entrepreneurs on multiple continents generate substantial growth from startup through expansion, Christine Perakis through Business Breakthrough Pro offers the specific tools, materials, resources, and support you need to take action and build the solid foundation your business needs. Together, you will create the exponential growth for your business that buys you the ease and freedom you want for your life.
Through individual or group coaching sessions, training and workshops, business owners and executives expand their skillsets and set a track for continued growth and success with programs tailored for personal performance. Through Business Breakthrough Pro, Perakis will work with you and your team to identify and develop the specific components and details you and your business need to achieve the growth that you really want for your life – creating more profits, more ease, more freedom.
Topics for individual and group coaching sessions include:
- Strategic planning
- Organizational management
- Team Building
- Growth programs
- Facilitating the Raising of capital
- Legal issues
- Exit strategies