Navigating a New Path to Business Success

Exploring the Uncharted Waters of Organic Growth through Relationship Building


May 4th - July 6th

Wednesdays at 9:00am PST / 12:00 Noon EST

Are you tired of the status quo?  Do you dream of taking your business to the next level but just aren’t sure how to get there? Do you feel like you have seen it all before and nothing resonates as the right path for you to grow your business?

All too often, business owners operate on an island, isolated because they believe no one understands the struggles facing their unique circumstances. As a CEO or business owner, you face challenges that may feel particular to your position or your particular business or industry. It’s hard to share these struggles with others in your organization or social network because it may just not be appropriate, those individuals won’t be able to understand the nuances of your business, or they will view the challenge from their own perspective – which only adds more stress on you.

Perhaps you look at other CEOs and wonder: what’s their secret? Seemingly, they balance the challenges of running a business with ease and decisive action. They have answers, where you have questions.  The answer is simple:

Successful business owners leverage a team of trusted advisors.

Certain challenges translate to all businesses, no matter what the industry, product, or service. For the business owner who has yet to really dive into the tools that are out there, this program will take your business to the next level. For those of you who have “done all of this training before” or just don’t resonate with the “old” ways of doing things, this program will take you far beyond the status quo!

May 4th - July 6th Wednesdays at 9:00am PST / 12:00 Noon EST Space is Limited! Buy Today for $499 (Save $100!)

Or, Subscribe to the Payment Plan Using Your PayPal Account 3 - Payments of $200 Totaling $600!

Trying to identify your need? By completing the 10-Minute Clarity Test for Success and emailing it to Christine, you can begin your candid discussion about the reality of your business circumstances.

Click on the link below to get started.

 10 Minute Clarity Test for Success


Christine-Perakis-26-RTC-copyChristine Perakis is more than an executive coach; she is a business navigator, a strategic growth specialist, and a licensed 100-Ton boat captain who has navigated businesses, boats, and people through the most challenging and dangerous conditions to safely reach their destination. For her clients, she is an expert leader who has been through the challenges they are facing.  Leveraging her experience and training, she and her clients plot the course towards success, strategically analyze problems, and develop actionable solutions to create results.

Christine has partnered with Brian Tracy, as a certified FocalPoint coach, to add to her toolbox for businesses of all types, the proven business growth methods that have worked for millions of people all over the world to create financial success. These skills include teaching effective ways to increase financial and other results; turbo-charging marketing plans; building fierce brand loyalty; lowering selling costs; and shortening the cycle to revenue.

Through this custom-tailored Business Breakthrough Pro web series, Navigating a New Path to Business Success – Exploring the Uncharted Waters of Organic Growth through Relationship Building, businesses establish a path for achieving their goals that is resonant for them, develop their team of partners, and learn what it is like to be in business for yourself but not by yourself.  

The path to success is not overwhelming with the right support and tools to navigate uncharted waters. It simply requires the guidance of someone who has already navigated countless others along the way to measurable success. Isn’t it time you learned the tools necessary to create financial freedom, increase sales, and take your business to the next level in a way that feels most resonant with who you are?

After all, the coveted treasure of business success isn’t a mythical secret. We have mapped the course and want to teach you the skills you need.

May 4th - July 6th Wednesdays at 9:00am PST / 12:00 Noon EST Space is Limited! Buy Today for $499 (Save $100!)

Or, Subscribe to the Payment Plan Using Your PayPal Account 3 - Payments of $200 Totaling $600!


Trying to identify your need? By completing the 10-Minute Clarity Test for Success and emailing it to Christine, you can begin your candid discussion about the reality of your business circumstances.

Click on the link below to get started.

 10 Minute Clarity Test for Success


A new perspective with guaranteed, measurable results

  • Two and a half months focused entirely on growing your business, while you work in your business
  • Free 30-minute one-on-one coaching session with Christine Perakis
  • In-depth assessment tools to create actionable steps you can take for the life of your business
  • Three weeks of extra content at no additional cost
  • 10 Free One-Hour Weekly Group Coaching Sessions
  • Downloadable iPad App
  • “Selling with Style” Sales Role Exercise Kit
  • DISC Clue Sheet
  • 45+ page Action Report that reviews all of the factors behind who you are and how you perform at your best.
  • 40+ page debrief workbook with exercises tailored specifically for you
  • Unique, supportive setting

For a full course outline, click here.

Click here to listen to "The New Realities of Selling" directly from Brian Tracy
To learn more about the value of your assessment test (including the 45+ page Action Plan & 40+ page Debrief Workbook) and and the breadth of information you will receive, click here:

 Selling Skills Assessment Flier


Essential topics for measurable results

  • Effectively increase revenue organically in a way that resonates for you, outside the status quo
  • Turbo-charge your marketing plan
  • Build fierce brand loyalty using your unique offering to distinguish yourself from your competition
  • Save money on selling costs
  • Shorten the sales cycle

For a full course outline, click here.

For anyone who is ready to take a deeper dive to master the growth of their business, no matter what storms are on the horizon, Christine has a very limited number of spots available for clients who want to work privately. For more information, email Christine.