…A monster storm was raging overhead as I realized that I was trapped. I had no idea how I was going to be rescued. My friends were unreachable and unlikely to come looking for me. I didn’t know my neighbors. I was alone; I had made no survival plan. It was the most traumatic event of my life – large communities of friends, thousands of social media connections, and none of them could come for me…
According to recent landmark studies, 40% of our population has no one to talk to! I couldn’t imagine being one of them. Yet, I realized just how prone to isolating during crises that I was when, one day, I was speaking with a friend of 10 years about my hurricane experiences. She said she had never seen me cry. It was a shocking awareness because, in the time that I had known her, I had been through a divorce, business and financial challenges, and she had never been a shoulder for me to lean on. How prone was I to powering through crises alone, and unconsciously isolating?read more
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